222 FRENCH REVIEW 91.2 Diop, Papa Samba, et Alain Vuillemin, éd. Les littératures en langue française: histoire, mythe et création. Rennes: PU de Rennes, 2015. ISBN 978-2-7535-4188-7. Pp. 828. This vibrant collection of seventy papers explores the intersection of history, memory, and myth by extrapolating from the theories of Barthes, de Certeau, Ricœur, Nora, and others, to literature written in French on five continents. Mirroring the diverse geographic origins of literary production under investigation, contributors hail from twenty-nine countries. The introductory notes outline the history of French colonization and the subsequent spread of the French language to contextualize the inaugural keynote address and eight chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 focus on the connec- tion between poetry, writing, and history by putting forth arguments that echo the Manifeste des 44 and largely increase the visibility of Romanian writers. Chapter 3 features Belgian, Polish, [+]

Depuis la rentrée de septembre 2017, Yolaine Parisot, jusque-là Maître de conférences à l'Université de Rennes, a été élue professeur à l'Université Paris-Est Créteil,où elle succède à Papa Samba Diop: bureau 303 du Bâtiment des Lettres, Téléphone: 00 33 1 45 17 11 45. [+]

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