Edited by Christopher E. Koy:

LITTERARIA PRAGENSIA: Studies in Literature and Culture.

Vol. 21, Issue 41, Juli 2011: REAPPRAISING THE BLACK LITERARY TRADITION, 114 pages.   ISSN: 0862-8424.

- Sarka Bubikova: on the Tradition of the Ethnic Female Bildungsroman : « Maud Martha and the Tradition of Ethnic Female Bildungsroman« .

- Marie Knoflickova: on Racial Identities in Toni Morrison: « Racial Identities Revisited: Toni Morrison’s « Recitatif« .

- Karla Kovalova: on Fatherhood in David Anthony Durham: « The Bone-Deep Longing…In the Possibility of that Child »: The Transforming Potential of Fatherhood in David Anthony Durham’s Walk through Darkness« .

- Christopher E. Koy: on Charles Chesnutt’s Conjure Stories: « African Amarican Vernacular Latin and Ovidian Figures in Charles Chesnutt’s Conjure Stories« .

- Jakub Zenisek: on Charles Johnson and Phillis Wheatley: « Scriptor Politicus or Scriptor Poeticus? »: Charles Johnson’s Ventriloquist Rendering of Phillis Wheatley« .

- Reviews……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(92-110)

Christopher E. Koy teaches at the English Department at the College of Education, University of South Bohemia.

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